Frequently Asked Questions about Pest Control South Australia

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At Turners Termites & Pest Control, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help address any concerns you may have about our pest control services in South Australia.


  • How long does a typical pest control treatment take?

    The duration of a pest control treatment depends on the size of your property and the extent of the infestation. On average, a standard treatment can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. However, our technicians will provide you with a more accurate estimate during the initial consultation.

  • What should I do before a pest control treatment?

    Before a pest control treatment, it is recommended to remove any food items, dishes, and utensils from exposed areas. Cover or store pet food and water bowls, and remove any pet bedding or toys that may be in the treatment area. Our technicians will provide you with specific instructions based on your unique situation.

  • How often should I have my house checked for pests?

    Generally, a yearly inspection for termites and other pests is the best way to prevent pest infestations from developing. Depending on the type of pest and environment, more frequent treatments may be required. Our team can assess your specific needs and recommend an appropriate inspection schedule.

  • What if I see a pest after a treatment?

    Our treatments will see a strong reduction in the level of pests, although total elimination may take several days. It's not unusual for pests to move about after treatment. For example, cockroach gels or baits are designed to encourage movement toward the bait. If you continue to experience pest sightings beyond the expected timeframe, please contact our team for further assistance.

Interested in our services? If you have any additional questions or concerns, feel free to contact us on 0488 040 708.

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